The help of volunteers is always needed in the school and at school-sponsored events. We welcome the time and talent of parents to help enhance our quality program. The possibilities are endless. At Saint Therese School parents play an integral role in the education of their children through the VIP, advisory council, athletics, fundraising activities, playground/lunchroom monitors, field trip, Walk-a-Thon, Field Day, and classroom helpers. This partnership is invaluable to the success of our school.
Teachers, coaches and assistants, chaperones, and adults who volunteer with children at Saint Therese School are required to follow the steps outlined below to receive volunteer clearances. We realize it takes time and attention on your part to complete the process; please realize the goal is solely to protect your children. This is what is needed to fulfill this mandate.
The Diocesan policy for funding elementary Catholic schools calls for each school to have fundraising activities to generate at least 10% of their total operating budget.
We have two ways to generate these funds. Through the organizational efforts of our VIP and Parent Service Program, we have several general fundraisers and a family assessment program.